This web site is a place for text documents and photos for or about gabe fineman.
Here you will eventually find documents, photos and other things of interest to gabriel fineman

Saturday, February 5, 2011 I walked over the the Egyptian Embassy to add my voice to those protesting against the violent government attacks on the peaceful demonstrators in Cairo.  Unfortunately, the protest was organized by the AnswerCoalition (photo of signs) that is the same Palestinian based group that often pickets the Israeli Embassy (up the street) with very virulent anti-Semitic slogans. I have little idea what they were chanting since the chants were in Arabic until the TV cameras were turned on. I left after about a half an hour. The photos (from my phone) are HERE.

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photos [Nolan and Family]


Gabe and Iris 2015  Gabe and Iris 2015

Gabe Fineman 
Last Updated 21 March 2008